Saturday, July 3, 2010

Goodbye Morocco and back to Spain!

We finished up in Morocco, staying at Rabat. We visited a huge Muslim Mosque and the mausoleum of King Mohammed the fifth and his two sons. Their tombs were inside. Then we caught the ferry and crossed back from Northern Africa to Europe! Back across the Strait of Gibraltar, or in Arabic.... مضيق جبل طارق !

We left Granada, Spain today and came back to Madrid. In Granada we visited a beautiful fortress called Alhambra. The gardens there were so pretty too. It's hard to believe that the mountains have snow and ski resorts at the same time as the temperature in town is 30 degrees and you can be at the beach on the Mediterranean Sea! We also saw where people live in caves built in the side of the mountains. Mostly gypsies. There are a lot of gypsies in Spain and especially in the area of Granada. Spain won their football game tonight in the world cup series so the streets of Madrid are very noisy with celebration!!! Our tour ended today so we had a lot of fun visiting our last night with some of our friends from the tour. We headed downtown and I got to visit with Jess and Pete from Australia, Georgie and Adam and their parents from Australia, and John and Dan and their dad and uncle from Seattle. We had so much fun! Tomorrow I will put up some of the photos from tonight. We leave on the train to Barcelona tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful photos, once again.
Our house has come alive with the sounds of happy little children! It's going to be very fun to have Calvin & Hannah around for over a week. Of course, we're glad Kathy's here too, & are looking forward to having Ranveig with us for a day or so next week-end.
Enjoy Barcelona. We sure did!
Much love Papa & Mumoo