Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Avila, Spain

Hi! This is pictures of us in Avila and Samalanca, Spain. There are a couple of pictures on here from when we got to Portugal today. Out hotel is really nice with a great view of the city we are in, Coimbra. Everyone on our tour is very friendly. Today we got to sit at the front of the bus. Every day we have to switch seats clockwise two seats. We stop every two hours to go to the bathroom. The last stop before we arrived to our hotel in Portugal, a man got stuck in the bathroom for about half and hour. They had to unscrew the door and take it off for him to get out. It was kinda funny! We are going on lots of mini tours around the cities and outside the cities we are in. Like one night we are going to see flamenco dancers! I am really excited about that. The End

The wall around Avila was 1,000 years old and had 88 turrets. The nest was up on the top of a church. It's baby storks. The gold room was beautiful. It was the room in a church that St. Theresa of Avila was born in in the 1600's. It is all very old here.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

HI Erin i love your photos today we had ice cream with our grade 1 buddies and did you know Olivia got glasses their really pretty too.i hope your having an amazing time there if i was there i would probubly be amazed of all the neet stuff there.Coco,Gracie,Ella,Lilly,dozer and all the little puppies say "Hi" and are hoping you have lots of fun.Did i tell you were having a new grade 6/7 teacher ,his name is Mr.sweenie he seems really nice and mrs.maclitok is also teaching grade 6/7 i think.Tomorrow we get our report cards and i`m hoping i get good grades because i bet my mom if i got an A in any thing besides french or music i get 50$ well have to go

From: Marissa who wants to be there with you