Monday, June 7, 2010

This photo is a sign in downtown Geneva that shows you your best options for finding a parking spot. Pretty clever.

On Friday it is the International Day to Eliminate Child Labour and school kids from France, Switzerland and Austria will take place in a huge celebration outside the United Nations. They will deliver a message to the world that children all over the world should have the opportunity to go to school without having to work. THere are about 218 million children who don't get to go to school or play with friends at recess because they have to work. Erin will have jet lag for sure but hopefully she will enjoy being a part of the celebration.


Anonymous said...

This was a great idea--a fine way to communicate while you're all away. What a beautiful little town in rural France!
Yes, the countdown is on now. You have a very excited little girl here in Regina. She's packed & ready for her big plane ride.

Anonymous said...

BON VOYAGE E! You can tell your mom that means have a good trip. She seems to be struggling with her French. PLEASE have a lemon gelato for me and have tons of fun seeing the world. xo Didi

Mom said...

Fly high and fly safe little girl!

I am waiting with a huge Genevan hug and kiss for you! I hope we will get to meet with Elsa, from Finland. She is coming to meet her mom as well.

Our weeny teeny hotel room is ready to squeeze two more people in!

See you soon!!! xxxxooooo